Pawtastic is a free whimsical ecommerce UI kit and web app prototype that’s super simple to customize. UI kit is built around a pet sitting service. The kit comes with 35 detailed UI elements and combines a fun and informative marketing one pager, a multi-step booking process, and a beautiful dashboard. It has every form element a designer could want, along with all the key UI elements featured in web apps today, such as: account settings, image grids, pull quotes, profile cards, tiered navigations, and more.
As a bonus it contains 15 witeframes to create your next experience. Using Adobe XD’s powerful symbols, character styles, and Repeating Grids feature, this kit will be a great springboard for your next project.
Don’t forget to appreciate awesome project by Meagan Fisher and follow for more inspiration.
File Info:
- Available Format: Xd Files
- Category: eCommerce
- License: Free for Projects
- File Size: 12.6 MB
- Download file type: Zip
- Created with a free version of Adobe Xd
- Author: Meagan Fisher (Check Out Author’s Profile & Support)