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Checkout and Payment Verification App Templates (PSD)

Shared By Brice Séraphin

IOS apps are more in demand, which automatically means that all of these applications will require elaborative and innovative designs, and Brice Séraphin is here to help with his IOS freebies. The template shared today consists of checkout, finger scan, and payment verified designs, all of which come in PSD format with great details that include the credit card with personal information, the items to be purchased, the amount set, etc. A lot of work is also put in the finger scan freebie design with an accurate graphics presentation. These pixel perfect freebies with their easy editing options (100% vector shapes) can be customized with a few clicks using Adobe Photoshop. The highly organized layers will enable you to personalize them as well as change the colors to fit your needs.

File Info:

  • Available Format: 3 PSD Files
  • Category : Bank, Mobile App,
  • License:
  • File Size: 9 MB
  • Download file type:
  • Created with a version: CS4
  • Author: Brice Séraphin (Check Out Author’s Portfolio)

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